Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gum Disease

Gum disease is the silent oral killer.  Gum disease is also referred to as Periodontal Disease.  Periodontal disease is, in my opinion, the worst thing to have in the mouth, besides cancer.  Cavities, broken, and crooked teeth can be fixed.  Periodontal disease is much harder to reverse. 
So, what exactly is this so called Periodontal, gum disease?  Let me explain.  Gum disease develops from gingivitis, everyone hears about gingivitis but I think there may be a lack of understanding of what actually makes gingivitis arouse.  If your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis that is good, because gingivitis is the ONLY reversible stage of gum disease.  At this stage blood cells and bacteria are causing an acute infection in the patient’s gums, but can be fixed by daily flossing and a Listerine mouth rinse.  Upon flossing, bleeding and soreness will most likely occur, but will subside after regular flossing in about a month.
However, if you visit the dentist and they tell you that you have periodontal disease you cannot fix that by flossing.  Periodontal disease occurs when a buildup of bacteria, hide inside the deepest darkest part of your gums, fester, multiply and eat away the bone that holds the roots of your teeth into your jaw.  This action will cause your teeth to start wiggling and eventually they will fall out.  This is extremely unfortunate because the cost to fix this disease is expensive and painful.  To fix this you may need bone grafts, dental implants, gum surgery, and/or dentures. 
Most patients would never know they have periodontal disease because it’s painless until your teeth start falling out.  Smoking, heredity, and irregular visits to the dentist will cause gum disease.  So, hopefully this gives you yet another reason to visit your local dentist.  Patients with gum disease have a very dirty mouth.

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