Friday, October 29, 2010


Everyone seems to want whiter teeth.  There are many different products to use either over the counter or from the dentists' office.  Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash can be found in stores.  These products work well if your a heavy smoker or coffee drinker because they help to attack stain, but if you do not eat foods that cause much staining, whitening mouthwash and toothpaste may not necessarily be the right product for you.  Good old fashioned baking soda will also help to brush off stain, thus making your teeth look whiter.  Just dab a bit of baking soda on your toothbrush and lightly scrub.  CREST white strips actually will show results, however you must use them as directed.

If you would like to have professional whitening, the dentist can make you specific whitening trays.  After having the trays made you will receive a gel that is quite similar to the crest white strips.  the only difference is the percentage of carbamide peroxide found in the bleach gel.  The blue lights you see on TV for whitening are really just for effect; they do not have anything to do with the whitening process.

When you do start to whiten you may experience sensitivity.  If this occurs you can use some sensodyne and a fluoride rinse.

There is nothing wrong with whitening, but many patients may have cavities and gum disease.  It is more important to fix cavities and gum disease than it is to have white teeth.  Whitening comes last on the list of to-do's when it comes to oral health.

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